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Eagle Mountain International Church -- Newark, TX
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Leadership: None Listed
Contact: None Listed
Address: 14355 Morris-Dido Road
Newark, TX 76071
United States
Phone: (817) 252-2900
Fax: None Listed
Pastor Spotlight . . .
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Upcoming Events . . .
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Denomination: Non Denominational Church
Affiliation: None Listed
Other Locations: None Listed
Average Service Attendance: 1,250.00 Attendees
Pastor Education Level: Post Graduate
Bible(s) Used: King James Version (KJV)
Language(s): English, Spanish
Worship Style: Contemporary
Service Time(s): Sunday (10:00:00 AM)
Wednesday (7:00:00 PM)
Worship Location: 14355 Morris-Dido Road
Newark, Texas 76071
Travel / Parking: None Listed
Special Needs Addressed: Vision
Physical / Motor
Literacy & Learning
Language & Communication
General Description . . .
Eagle Mountain International Church is a church whose faith is known around the world. We are called to proclaim "Jesus Is Lord" from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around.

Every sustaining work of God needs a solid foundation to continue and transcend generations. That's why God called EMIC to be established. He wanted the work of Kenneth Copeland Ministries to have an understanding strength that would sustain it and see it through the generations.

He wanted a local church to live out all that Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have preached - to demonstrate the principles of discipleship and relationships so that His work could be perpetuated. Through teaching believers how to live in their covenant rights and privileges, EMIC is fulfilling its call and purpose.

Operating in the offices of pastors and teachers, George and Terri Pearsons take what God has said through the ministry of the prophet and apply it to the daily lives of believers in the local church.

So whether you live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, or are just passing through, let us be your home away from home. We'll love you and build your faith at the same time.
Bible Studies . . .
•  No Bible Studies Listed
Children's Ministries . . .
We believe children should look forward to going to church. And at EMIC, they do! We have a thriving children's and youth ministry that is designed to minister to your children from the crib right on up to graduation.
Encouragement / Support Ministries . . .
Reaching the unreached—here and around the world—is at the heart of the mission and vision of Eagle Mountain International Church. We have a passion for bringing the lost of this dark world into the light of God's love.

That's why we actively support other ministries that are taking the gospel to the corners of the world. And that's why you'll find special groups that are doing the same thing right here in our own backyard. These groups include the Lifestyle Evangelism Ministry, the Prison Outreach and the Volunteers of America, just to name a few.

EMIC's Hospital and Nursing Home ministries are always on call to deliver the Word of God in times of need. Trained hospital ministry volunteers take joy, life and support to those who are not able to get out.

EMIC has more than 30 spirit-led prayer teams that meet throughout the week to pray for neighborhoods and the harvest of souls.
Missions / Outreach Ministries . . .
At EMIC you'll find groups addressing various interests and needs, including parenting classes, new believer's classes, supernatural health and healing, prayer and much more. And across the Metroplex, you'll find small groups of EMIC members meeting in homes for prayer, relations building and support. No matter where you live, chances are there is an EMIC home group meeting near you.
Additional Information . . .
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